Senin, 12 April 2010


pasti dia ud ngelupain gw...
ya emg salah gw jg sih, mau2nya gt d bo'ongin ama dya..
emg bnr deh kata2 "jangan mau d lambung harapan kalo ga mau d hempas kenyataan"

Jumat, 09 April 2010

ga nyangka ternyata dia seperti itu..
smuanya sama aja!!!!!!

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

experienced 11 bad luck in one day

ouch! I do not know what happened to this day. Today I have 11 bad luck, since this morning.
1. heard the news that today there are mobile phones confiscated.
2. Early morning the teacher was reprimanded.
3. I was not able to do the math quiz.
4. I can not do tests Indonesian.
5. surprised when the teacher angry.
6. I could not do my accounting test.
7. accounting teacher angry that our test can be ugly.
8. practically the same fat my friend.
9. Pretty much the most evil woman at my teacher.
10. not doing homework
11. strike-wheeler ride

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Ada Yesus - Jason

Ada Yesus Yang S’lalu Peduli
Ada Yesus Yang S’lalu Mengerti
Dia Buktikan Dengan Cinta
Dia B’rikan Nyawa-Nya Bagi Kita

Oh Yesus, Mati Bagiku
Memberikan Nyawa-Mu Bagi Hidupku
Darah-Mu Tebus Dosaku
Hidupku Menjadi Yang Baru

Yesus, Yesus, Oh Yesus
Ku Cinta Kau S’lalu

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup - Mike feat. Maria Shandy

Kuatkanlah hatimu
Lewati setiap persoalan
Tuhan Yesus selalu menopangmu
Jangan berhenti harap padaNya..

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup…
TanganNya takkan terlambat ‘tuk mengangkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup…
Percayalah, Dia tak tinggalkanmu…

Kuatkanlah hatimu
Lewati setiap persoalan
Tuhan Yesus selalu menopangmu
Jangan berhenti harap padaNya..

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup…
TanganNya takkan terlambat ‘tuk mengangkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup…
Percayalah, Dia tak tinggalkanmu…

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup…
TanganNya takkan terlambat tuk mengangkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup…
Percayalah, Dia Masih Sanggup…
Tuhan Pasti Sanggup…
TanganNya takkan terlambat tuk menganggkatmu
Tuhan Masih Sanggup…
Percayalah, Dia tak tinggalkanmu…

Bridge :
Percayalah, (percayalahhh…)
Percayalah, ( kita harus percaya ..)
Percayalah, Dia kan mengangkatmu…

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

You - Ten2Five

You did it again
You did hurt my heart
I don't know how many times
Ohh.. You I don't know what to say

You've made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down
You said you'd never lie again
*You said this time would be so right
But then I found you were lying there by her side

Ohh You.. You turn my whole life so blue
Drowning me so deep, I just can reach myself again

Ohh You.. Successfully tore myheart
Now its only pieces
Ohhh Nothing left but pieces of you

Ohh.. You frustated me with this love
I've been trying to understand
You know I'm trying I'm trying
Ohh You.. I don't know what to say
You've made me so desperately in love
And now you let me down

a day full of surprises

for me today is a day full of surprises but it's not a pleasant surprise but a sad surprise, and it almost made me cry without stopping. but now I'm relieved that all I heard was not true. problem does not stop here. this time at school my teacher suddenly seoertinya angry and he got angry with me, I was very scared. not really scared because the teacher was mad at me but I am afraid if my friends blame me for it. The next surprise came from my cousin, soon she will move to china. I'm glad that she can succeed, but I'm also sad because I had to part with my cousin's. Our streets will rarely together, shopping together and many things that will make us miss her.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

a very sad day

I feel sad and I do not know how to get rid of this sadness. too much grief that comes, first I feel a person can not express her opinion, the second I felt very sad when I see people who I love very close to someone who might be special in the eyes
God give me strength to face all this. I do not want no more tears falling down my cheeks, but nothing as strong as I hold all of this still in the end I'll cry.

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Akhirnya ^^

akhirnya jadi juga..
moga2 ga lupa lagi ama passwordnya...
dasar pikun stadium 3,5...